Jan 30, 2023Liked by Madison Huizinga

Thank you for writing this article , make me think about the nights I cannot sleep associated with excessive use of internet .

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Madison Huizinga

i really like your metaphor of riding a bike. i deleted tiktok quite a few months ago now (can’t remember exactly how long ago lol) and currently dont have any social media apps on my phone. at first it was stressful, but youre so right, it does get easy and familiar after a while. i dont even think about checking my phone when im waiting in lines or standing in elevators anymore. life feels easier and i feel more aware. i’m happy to see other people experiencing the same things

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Feb 11, 2023Liked by Madison Huizinga

ive been going through realisations like this recently while reading stolen focus by johann hari, he also said that not using our phones is like losing a limb which is ridiculous to think about but unfortunately very true 🥲 you should definitely check it out! lots of scary stats and figures but snaps you into reality

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