YES to all of this!! You hit the nail right on the head. I’ve been saying for years that the real culprit behind girls dressing more “immodestly” is because those are the only clothes sold to them and the only image marketed towards them. it really shows how huge societal forces like capitalism can influence things as personal as clothing choices, gender presentation, and even gender identity and sexuality. if girls weren’t constantly told to dress and act like this i think our whole conception of girlhood and womanhood would be completely different.

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Yes Alex, you’re hitting the nail on the head right back! Womanhood, under patriarchy, is riddled with double binds and the dilemma of modest/immodest dress in girlhood is just another one of those binds. I wrote about this more at length through a more adult lens in “The Politics of Desirability” as well!

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Oh so true , and what about girls whose legs are so long that they would never meet the requirements ?

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