Jun 16Liked by Madison Huizinga

This was a delight to read. It really is interesting, isn’t it? Always being so aware of time? How fast it moves and other times how slow, how you might be wasting it by doing nothing, how you might be burning it too quickly by doing too much? I really loved how you alluded to how these milestone moments are also made up of a million small, in-between moments. Imagine: the microphone being plugged in before a big, speech, the knife and plate being passed over before the cutting of the cake, the awkward struggle of uncorking a bottle of wine. Thank you so much for sharing this! x

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It is so crazy how constantly aware of time I am - especially as I get older and become more in charge of managing my own time/aware of how finite things are. It’s also so crazy how big, milestone moments are the sum of so many smaller actions. Thank you for reading :))

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Jun 16Liked by Madison Huizinga

So relateable !!! Great article Madison

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Jun 24Liked by Madison Huizinga

A beautiful piece. I didn’t want to stop reading 💌

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Aw thank you so much :)

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Jun 16Liked by Madison Huizinga

Lurvedddddd this. Couldn’t relate more. Whenever I’m SEEN like this—I have warring parts. One that is like, “Damn right. It’s OK for me to be like this, feel like this. Deal with it.” And then another that’s like, “Look awayyyyyy.”

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